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The Angel Light The romantic and classic styles of precious lighting sculptures. Unlike the traditional kerosene lamp,

Sold 0 items

21 USD $21



This exotic, romantic, and classic design is proposed to be integrated well with the unique and elegant design of the hotel and restaurant. The pattern can be adapted or changed to accommodate the design of the interior or other objects. The silver pattern allows the light to come out softer as well as allows us to see the natural flame and it has smooth flickering effect.

Sold 0 items

161 USD $161



The Angel Light The romantic and classic styles of precious lighting sculptures. Unlike the traditional kerosene lamp,

Sold 0 items

20 USD $20

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The Angel Light The romantic and classic styles of precious lighting sculptures. Unlike the traditional kerosene lamp,

Sold 0 items

52 USD $52

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The Angel Light The romantic and classic styles of precious lighting sculptures. Unlike the traditional kerosene lamp,

Sold 0 items

32 USD $32

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This exotic, romantic and classic design is proposed to be integrated well with unique and elegance design of the hotel and restaurant. The pattern can be adapted or changed to accommodate with the design of the interior or other objects. The silver pattern allow the light to come out softer as well as allow us to see the natural flame and it smooth flickering effect..

Sold 0 items

160 USD $160

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This exotic, romantic and classic design is proposed to be integrated well with unique and elegance design of the hotel and restaurant. +++ AngelStone Exo-1 Butter Texture (M)

Sold 0 items

235 USD $235



Sold 0 items

205 USD $205



One of a kind design to be used in multi-functional actions. Best against the strong wind while creating a unique powerful emotional light. M2-4S torch can Sit on the floor/table, Stand on the pole, Swing on the tree and Swim in a pool.

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137 USD $137

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The Angel Light The romantic and classic styles of precious lighting sculptures.

Sold 0 items

31 USD $31

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This stunt look Torch is with coloured flames. Yes, it is hot as it is a real fire but really gorgeous.

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187 USD $187

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This stunt look Torch is with coloured flames. Yes, it is hot as it is a real fire but really gorgeous. Best against the strong wind while creating a unique powerful emotional light.

Sold 0 items

145 USD $145

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The Angel Light The romantic and classic styles of precious lighting sculptures

Sold 0 items

30 USD $30



This exotic, romantic and classic design is proposed to be integrated well with unique and elegance design of the hotel and restaurant. The pattern can be adapted or changed to accommodate with the design of the interior or other objects. The silver pattern allow the light to come out softer as well as allow us to see the natural flame and it smooth flickering effect..

Sold 0 items

135 USD $135

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"The Angel Oil" that best apply to all lamp designs, especially for the use with The Angel Light™

Sold 0 items

7 USD $7

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The Angel Light The romantic and classic styles of precious lighting sculptures.

Sold 0 items

31 USD $31



"The Angel Oil" that best apply to all lamp designs, especially for the use with The Angel Light™

Sold 0 items

12 USD $12

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This exotic, romantic and classic design is proposed to be integrated well with unique and elegance design of the hotel and restaurant. The pattern can be adapted or changed to accommodate with the design of the interior or other objects. The silver pattern allow the light to come out softer as well as allow us to see the natural flame and it smooth flickering effect..

Sold 0 items

161 USD $161

(Options available)


"The Angel Oil" that best apply to all lamp designs, especially for the use with The Angel Light™

Sold 2 items

19 USD $19

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The Angel Light The romantic and classic styles of precious lighting sculptures.

Sold 0 items

41 USD $41



This exotic, romantic and classic design is proposed to be integrated well with unique and elegance design of the hotel and restaurant. The pattern can be adapted or changed to accommodate with the design of the interior or other objects. The silver pattern allow the light to come out softer as well as allow us to see the natural flame and it smooth flickering effect..

Sold 0 items

156 USD $156

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Angel Stone ..... A well integrated of the materials, the classic design and the method in lighting has capitalized and maximise beauty of this unseen nature object.

Sold 0 items

42 USD $42

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